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How To Prevent And Eliminate Rats In Your Home

Mice are regarded as one of the most troublesome pests in many parts of the world. They can chew through boxes and walls in your pantry and destroy your home. These pests can also gnaw on wires and cause house fires.  Rodents also carry many disease-causing organisms like bacteria, and that is why their droppings often worsen asthma and allergy situations. But it can never be too late to start mice-proofing. Here is what you can do to control these pests and eventually get rid of them. 

Identify and Eliminate Entry Points

 Many homeowners start by putting down traps. Putting bait all over your floor may never do you any good. But you can do better if you start by figuring out where the mice are coming from.  Check your home for any opening the size of a quarter or larger. After doing that, seal all the entry points. Do not use rubber, plastic, wood, or any other material that the mice can gnaw through. Instead, use materials such as wool, hardware cloth, caulk, cement, and plaster. You should also weatherstrip the doors and windows if you see any large cracks. All of these steps will drastically reduce the number of mice entering your house.

Improve Sanitation

Poor sanitation attracts mice, which is why it’s important to maintain the highest standards of hygiene possible. Even though poor sanitation attracts these pests, good sanitation can hardly help you eliminate them. A mouse can survive on between 3-and-4 grams of food per day, which means all these pests need to continue thriving are a few crumbs.

Eliminate Possible Food Sources

Rats are extremely resourceful. They can and will find things to eat around your property, so be diligent in dealing with them. Cover your garbage cans at all times. Pick produce from your garden and trees as it ripens. Pick up and compost fruit and vegetables that fall to the ground. Feed outdoor pets during the day and don’t leave any leftover food lying around. Don’t store any pet food outside without making sure it’s in rodent-proof containers.

Remove their Habitat

Don’t give rodents or other pests a place to live. Remove debris such as limbs, old cars, or appliances from your property. If you have wood piles or lumber, store them at least 18 inches above the ground and a foot or so away from your home and other walls. You can also remove heavy vegetation, as rats will consider this a great hiding place.
You should also trim trees, shrubs, and limbs back four feet from your house. Rodents can’t enter your home if they’re unable to climb or jump to reach it. 

Set up Baits and Traps Inside

There are many options for products designed to catch rats inside your home that are not dangerous to pets and children, the most common being cage traps. Trapping and baiting rats is a method that is used by rodent control services and you can certainly purchase different options at any hardware store.

Snap Traps

These are the traditional, yet effective ways of catching rodents. These traps use a metal bar that snaps shut with a strong force to kill the trapped rats. However, these should not be used in areas where pets or children play. The force from these traps is enough to accidentally cause injuries.

Glue Traps

Glue traps are much easier to use than other types of rat traps because they don’t require baiting or a complicated setting. After inspecting the property and identifying the pathways of the rodents, just place the glue traps in their runways to catch them as they go.

Electronic Traps

For a more modern/humane options, electronic traps can also get rid of rats. These traps use a high-voltage shock to kill the trapped rat. Since they are non-toxic, electronic traps are safe to use around pets and kids. However, electronic traps cannot be used outside the home because they are not waterproof.

Use Baits and Poisons Outside

Any toxic baits or poisons should be used outside the home. Rodents can potentially spread poisons inside your home, making it dangerous for everyone. Always read and follow label directions. Make sure rat bait is in an enclosed bait station. Keep these stations where your children and pets can’t reach.

Check Your Neighborhood

Chances are that rats are not just your issue alone. They could be a neighborhood issue in general. Work with your neighbors to deal with this problem and check community areas for rodent activity.

Rodent Control Using Cats

Many cats eat mice; having a cat can help the infestation stop being a major concern before long. Moreover, you hardly require to spend a lot of energy doing the work. Cats have the skills to hunt mice. At the same time, mice fear cats and often run for their lives whenever they notice them. 

Call the Pros

In general, the most effective way to eliminate rodents is to call on a local professional exterminator.  When you see evidence of a rat infestation, the quicker you get help the better due to the fast reproduction rate of mice. Rats are dangerous, so it’s best not to take a chance when dealing with them. When you call the experts you can guarantee results. 

Have a Rodent Problem?

If your home has been invaded by rodents and none of the above methods are working for you, Scott’s Turf and Pest Services is here to help! Our technicians are trained in the most effective rodent control and removal methods to help you regain control of your home. We have helped clients all over the triangle eliminate their rat problems for years. Give us a call today!